
Ipass number ota.02660421
Ipass number ota.02660421

ipass number ota.02660421 ipass number ota.02660421

Buying your iPass online or buying your iPass by calling their customer service number will already activate the iPass device and you (and you will already have an account on because to buy an iPass online you need to make an account on, and the customer service people you call will also help you make an account).The extra $2.90 at Jewel and Road Ranger goes to Jewel and Road Ranger for their profit/the trouble of stocking the item at their location. The $10 will be the deposit for the device. However, buying online is the same price ($30) as buying in-person from an iPass center at a tollway oasis which also costs $30. Buying online costs $30 and buying from a Jewel and Road Ranger location costs $32.90. Buying an iPass online is cheaper than buying it in person at Jewel and Road Rangers.Pros of buying the iPass online on getipass: If you buy your iPass from the Illinois tollway oasis locations that are listed further down this page, they will activate it for you and set you up with an account.The advantage of buying it in person is that you will get it immediately. If you order your iPass transponder online it will take 14-21 days for you to get it according to iPass customer service.Buying the IPass in person vs Buying online at getipass | Where to buy IPass Pros of buying the iPass at an in person location:

Ipass number ota.02660421